Thursday, November 26, 2009

A time to give THANKS!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving.... I don't have any photos, so I am just going to reflect upon the things we are so thankful for and the things we have accomplished this year. The year has blown by so fast. Before we know it 2010 will be upon us. A lot has happened this year. Here are somethings we have been able to do with our kids and some memories we have made along the way...

*This year we have done a lot of remodeling for Jaron's Mom. When Jaron's dad died in February unexpectantly, they were in the middle of a big remodel. I am so thankful Jaron and I have had the opportunity to put are carpenter skills to use. I am greatful Jaron and I work so well together. You usually don't see us do too many things apart. I guess you can say we are inseperatable. Jaron is such a carpenter and I admire his many talents daily.

*Wrestling all over the place starting in January until April, and being able so see our son learn and do something so well. It was fun to travel, and meet and see new and old friends, along the way.

*Being greatful for the atonement of Jesus Christ and know that we will see Jaron's Dad again someday. He has truely been missed by all.

* Watching our oldest become a young lady and also share her love of Dance with us all. This spring we also traveled with her to many competitions and recitals. She is so talented and so blessed that she is willing to share her talents with all.

*Spring break in St. George. We went with some dear friends and visited Zions National Park, Snow Canyon and some other fabulous places. The kids, and all of us, had a nice break and was able to take and see, some of Gods, great creations upon the earth.

*We were also very blessed to go with some friends to Vegas over Memorial Weekend. We loved every minute of it. The warm weather, to the great friends that were there to share it with.

*I am so thankful for my Husband of 14 years. In June Jaron and I celebrated our big day by dinner and a movie without Kids.... I love this man ,and am so greatful he chose me to spend eternity with. I am looking forward to many more years together.

*I am greatful for Family Vacations. We went to Yellowstone National Park and Meadow Lake and many family reunions. I am so blessed to have a family that will share my love of camping and spending time together.

*I am glad that McKenzie could go to Kindergarten this year. I was so worried she would have so many struggles, with all the new learning she would need to do. Needless to say I worried for nothing. She is doing so good, she is such a sweet spirit in our home. We are truely blessed to have her with us. She says the cuties things and does some of the funniest things. If you ever need to laugh or smile, she is your girl. She has so much love for life and love for everyone. She is truely a daughter of God.

*I am thankful for the Job my husband has, and for all the hard work and pride he has for his job. This fall he accomplished one of his many life goals. He became a Captain for the Fire Deaptment that he works for. He is also almost done with his Masters Degree. He should finish it up this May. He has accomplished a lot more, but I could spend hours trying to type it all.

*I am so greatful for the opportunity I have to be a Stay At Home Mom... It has it challenges, but I would not trade it for the world.

*I am also thankful my testimony in Jesus Christ.

*I am thankful for McKay and I know some days I feel like I could drop him off on a cornor and leave him. But, I know my life would be very dull....Because with McKay there is never a dull moment. He is always doing something, and into everything, and challenges me daily with patience. (I guess that is one of the things you ought to be carefull praying for.) I am greatful that this year we have been able to spend some mommy and McKay time alone, since he is the only one left at home.

*I am also thankful for football season, for the chance we get to watch Cade play, and the great Boise State Games we watch and attend.

*Last but not least, for the Family and Friends we have, and the great influences they are in our lives. We could not survive without you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ricks Family 2009

Recent Family photo

Halloween 2009

Boy, do we love Halloween at our house... From dressing up, to going to parties, to just plan embarressing your kids on Halloween.

Every year I dress up and show up at the schools for my kids' parties. This year the girls and I went a little TuTu crazy. Hannah, was Cyndi Lauper, McKenzie was a cute witch, I was just a punk rocker, with really Bright Pink Hair. I love the fun my girls and I have together!

Jaron on the other hand was a biker dude without a bike. LOL!!!! You look great in eye liner honey.

Here is the whole gang on Halloween. We also have a tradition of going to my Mom and Dad's for Mini Pizza's. My Mom having the grandkids and great grandkids come and make their own pizza's. They love making them and the kids love eating them.

Doesn't my Family look awesome!!! Cade and McKay are my Boise State kids. Cade dressed up as a Football player and McKay was Buster the Mascot!!! Boy do I love my boys!!!

Captain Ricks

At the beginning of Octobr, we learned Jaron had been offered the job of Captain for the Fire Department. We are so proud of him. He worked really hard for this promotion and is very dedicated to his career.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Jaron

This year for Jaron's birthday we made a trip to Bronco Stadium. Yes, a BSU game. It was very cold but of course the Bronco's had a winning game, which was the icing on the cake. Boise played the Idaho Vandels. After the game, Jaron and I went out to eat with a friend from High school and his date. It was so nice to catch up and just visit. The next morning Jaron's cousin and her husband took us to breakfast. It was a great weekend, It was nice to get away....